Folklore Dance competition poster
Saturday, 01 May 2010 / 01 Mayis 2010 Cumartesi 18:00-19:00
İşitme Engelliler (Hard of Hearing or Deaf)
İlköğretim Okulları ve Meslek Liseleri
(Primary School and Vocational High School)
İsitme Engelliler Folklor Yarismasi or Folklore Dance Competition among students from schools for the deaf, a unique event for Kaş.
Halk Oyunları Turkiye Finali (Folkloric Performance Turkish Final)
02 Mayis 2010 Pazar (02 May 2010, Sunday) 18:00-23:00
Çelenk Koyma ve Festival Yürüyuşü (Wreath Laying Ceremony)
Yer/Location: Yat Limanı (Old Harbor)
Yarışması (Competition) Programı
- Saygı Duruşu ve İstiklal Marşı
(Minute of Silence and Freedom March) - Açılış Konuşması
(Opening Ceremony) - Jüri Üyelerinin Tanıtımı
(Presentation of Jury Members) - Yarışma Kurallarının Açıklanmas
(Rules for Competition) - Yarışma
(Competition) - Ödül Töreni
(Award Ceremony)

Folklore Dance competition on stage

Folklore Dance competition waiting to dance
The Reasons for Folk Dances, Place, Choosing the Dancers, Preparations
Folk dances are performed at weddings, engagement ceremonies, when sending young men off to perform their military service, at national and religious festivals, after victories, going to and coming back from the high plateaus and at meetings such as ferfene, yaren talks, barana or sira gezmesi.
Dances are generally performed in all suitable open areas, but may also be performed in close areas as well.
People who enjoy reputations as good folk dancers are especially invited to wedding ceremonies. These are respectable people who have knowledge of that region’s music and folk dances. Folk dances owe their rich variety of moves to such people, who happily improvise while performing in order to show off their skills. In this way, dances are successfully passed on to people who may or may not be capable of dancing themselves, especially the young ones.
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